lego cake

lego cake

Designer Custom Cakes

When it come to desserts, cakes, and sugar art there is so many ways to go.

Donna Joy loves to create one-of-a-kind eatable items. When making items that require the same shape repeated in detail she makes a food-grade mold. From lace, shells even skateboard wheels give a really cool look.

Legos are an important learning game for kids. Donna used her son’s legos to create the edible legos for this cake.

Custom Skateboard cake was made to scale using a real skateboard for measurements. White Chocolate wheels featured the cake making the entire cake edible.

SkateBoard CAke Sedona Sweet Arts
SkateBoard Cake features White Chocolate Edible wheels

Other times cutters are used to create an effect. In most cases a sized scaled free hand item or items are handcrafted to fit the cake.

Hawaiian Tiki Cake Sedona Sweet Arts
Hawaiian Tiki Cake used a combination of custom seashell molds, free hand sculpted sugar items. Along with cutouts and cutouts adapted to fit Donna Joy’s sugar art. Tiki head was sculpted from candy making it 100% candy.

Donna Joy