Expenditure limitation is regulated by the State of Arizona. There is two (2) Types of Alternative Expenditure Limit for Cities and Towns in Arizona. These alternative options are required to be voter approved. Alternative Expenditure Limitation aka Home Rule or Permanent Base adjustment. Learn more about the Expenditure AZ law Arizona State Law 41-563 – Expenditure…
Category: Sedona
Sedona Related ~ What’s What Sedona.
Special Election Sedona School District
A special election will be held in Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District No. 9 of Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona (the “District”), on November 5, 2024, SEDONA-OAK CREEK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice Special Election The purpose of the election is to permit the qualified electors of the District to vote on authorizing the District…
Sedona Fact Finds: Sedona Cultural Park & SIFF
What does the Sedona Cultural Park & Sedona International Film Festival have in common? Research and historical documents show us that the Sedona Cultural Park was approved in 1974 as Sedona Live Arts Playhouse as a nonprofit Educational Charity 501 C(3). Sedona Live Arts Playhouse Articles of Incorporation formation for educational, charitable, scientific, philanthropic, and…
Sedona Cultural Park Inc. Background
Sometimes things get lost in time and the story changes. After years of hearing many different stories, I deeply studied the historical data-driven documents on the Sedona Cultural Park. One level leads the path to another level of source documentation to tell the story. While I did have a collection of records I had collected…
Data Driven Snapshot Sedona Tourism Management
There is a lot to learn from performance based and data driven methodology. What we have learned from the Tourism Government Models DMO Benchmark that governments use data-driven strategies to develop Tourism policies and programs in a systematic approach to analyze the data and removing any unseen biases, conflicts of interest or assumptions. A data-driven…
City Economic Development Advisory Boards Benchmark
City Economic Development Advisory Boards Benchmark What type of policy do other Cities and Towns in Arizona for Economic Development Advisory Boards?Are there any laws in Arizona for Cities & Town Economic Development? State Law: Economic Development A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Arizona Cities or TownsExpenditures for economic development; definitions A.R.S. § 9-500.11Economic development under State Law is requires “improve…