There has been so much misinformation on Sedona City Bed Tax being generated from the Sedona Chamber. April 12, 2023, Sedona City Council Meeting, the City Attorney, Kurt Christianson, explained that based upon ARS 9-500.06 law, it is a City Tax, not a pass-through tax. The Council has all rights to keep it in place….
Category: Arizona Revised Statutes
Arizona Revised Statutes give us direction help us understand how to make our community better for all.
Arizona Truth in taxation notice and hearing
Reference information
Arizona Revised Statutes 15-1461.01. Truth in taxation notice and hearing; roll call vote on tax increase; definition
AZ Sports & Tourism Authority, ARS 5-802 Formation of Authority
A.R.S. § 5-802 Formation of Authority 5-802. Formation of authorityA. The tourism and sports authority is established. The boundaries of the authority are the boundaries of any county that has a population of more than two million persons.B. The authority is a corporate and political body and, except as otherwise limited, modified or provided by this…
Economic Development A.R.S. § 9-500.11
A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Expenditures for economic development A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Expenditures for economic development A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Arizona Cities or TownsExpenditures for economic development; definitions A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Economic development under State Law is requires “improve or enhance the economic welfare of the inhabitants of the city or town.” Economic development under State Law is requires “improve or enhance the economic…
ARS 9-500.06 Hospitality Industry
A.R.S. § 9-500.06. Hospitality industry; discrimination prohibited; use of tax proceeds; exemption; definitions 9-500.06. Hospitality industry; discrimination prohibited; use of tax proceeds; exemption; definitions A.R.S. § 9-500.06 A. A city or town shall not discriminate against hospitality industry businesses in the collection of fees. For the purposes of this subsection: 1. “Discriminate” means any increase of fees…