Learn ways to keep your cake affordable, tasty, and beautiful . Tuscan or textured buttercream can give you a rustic, classic even an artistic feel.
The Art of Food is a combination of science and art. Preparing a food item, baking a cake, frosting, decorating it, transporting it, setting it up isn’t a simple task. Then displaying it at a wedding or event for hours is science.
Event food art is displayed for hours and requires food safety and engineering. Serves as the events’ decor, being the ambiance, creating a mood, theme, setting the stage. The event’s grand finality,
Having an event where a cake or dessert is on display for guest to see for hours requires food safety and engineering. They also serve as the event’s grand finality.
Edible Sugar Art be inspired a simple object, place, or emotion. Some can be a memento’s like pastillage sugar art. Origins of pastillage sugar traced back to medieval Europe. Pastillage decorative elements, sugar sculptures and centerpieces can last if kept dry and out of sun.
Visit DonnaJoys.com online galleries featuring retired Culinary Artist- Pastry Chef Donna Joy’s Artisan Handcrafted Food Art
Starry Nights Star Themed Wedding cakes
Themed cakes are enchanting for a themed wedding and become popular for today’s diversified couples. Custom created wedding Cake by Donna Joy Sedona Sweet Arts. Starry Night Cakes In this post here are two custom cakes created by Pastry Chef Donna Joy for weddings. Comic Love Cake The first one Comic Love was made with Donna…
Featured Rustic Tuscan Affordable Wedding Cakes
Rustic Tuscan cakes are affordable and tasty. The gallery of cake design are inspirations that even a beginner cake decorator can do.