There is a lot to learn from performance based and data driven methodology. What we have learned from the Tourism Government Models DMO Benchmark that governments use data-driven strategies to develop Tourism policies and programs in a systematic approach to analyze the data and removing any unseen biases, conflicts of interest or assumptions. A data-driven…
Sedona Stories
Sedona Stories, News Alert ~ What’s up Sedona
Heads up Sedona, January is a critical time
January is a critical time for those living in Sedona. The Sedona City Council will have their Annual City Council retreat on January 17 & 18, 2023. City Council will be setting priorities. In addition, the City Council has a joint meeting with the regional Chamber of Commerce on January 11, 2023. The Chamber and…
City Economic Development Advisory Boards Benchmark
City Economic Development Advisory Boards Benchmark What type of policy do other Cities and Towns in Arizona for Economic Development Advisory Boards?Are there any laws in Arizona for Cities & Town Economic Development? State Law: Economic Development A.R.S. § 9-500.11 Arizona Cities or TownsExpenditures for economic development; definitions A.R.S. § 9-500.11Economic development under State Law is requires “improve…