Hearty Chunky Corn Chowder Vegan

Hearty Chunky Corn Chowder Vegan

Hearty Corn Chowder (Vegan)

Donna Joy DonnaJoys.com

Donna Joy
~ A retired Entrepeneur, Creator, Business owner, Culinary Artist, Chef &
Chief Operating Disruptor~

~ Live ~ Love ~ Learn ~
~ Improve Life with Love and Passion ~ DonnaJoys.com

The Resident’s Footprint is how we create clear, open-door discussions, accept each other’s differences, collaborate working together, utilize each different strengths, nurture, and improve.
Unlimited each other to grow, learn and build our community.
Did we welcome the community as a whole to the table?
Or were the only ones at the table the loudest, controlling the narrative and outcome?
Did we restrict another person by restricting where and how they spoke? Did we label another and not listen to their ideas or suggestions?

The Resident’s Footprint is our community legacy, how we leave our community.
How we nurtured, supported, understood, collaborated, respected others, and set aside any conflicts of interest is our footprint. Going through opens doors taking chances that may help to grow our legacy and our footprint.
~ yours, ours, and my Sedona ~

Changes and improvements we make through collaboration and networking leave a balanced footprint for generations to come.

Donna Joy