Arizona Office of Tourism

Arizona Office of Tourism is the state’s expert for Tourism. It is extremely impressive. Robust and a great resource.

The Arizona Office of Tourism has two websites.
AOT website for Tourism marketing is Visit Arizona
AOT website for Tourism Partners, Arizona Office of Tourism website includes marketing & branding opportunities, data, stats, resources, reports, programs and more.

Destination ARIZONA is the target.
AOT markets and brands locations in Arizona, monitors and provide many services to the Tourism industry. AOT has extensive ongoing research, marketing Arizona’s locations and branding for tourism businesses in Arizona.

Donna Joy’s Research Trackers allow you to see critical details and connect directly to the source documents.

Check the Fact Checker
The hyperlinks are active in the PDF form.

AOT Policy for Business listings

AOT will list your business for free if you operate a tourism-related organization.

AOT Rural Marketing Program

Arizona Office of Tourism provides many resources to cities and towns. This program offer 50% state paid destination marketing

Donna Joy’s Research Trackers allow you to see critical details and connect directly to the source documents.

Check the Fact Checker
The hyperlinks are active in the PDF form.

DMO links on AOT Website

Donna Joy