Tourism Data & Stats Resources

Tourism data and stat collections show us how the tourism industry is performing. Using data, stats and custom reports from research companies are essential to governments or private organizations. Data collections, databases collected from expert research companies are cost effective and efficient. Both Public and Private sectors rely on these companies.

The Arizona Office of Tourism has a incredible amount of data, stats, scorecards, historical data. AOT even has some interactive data portal lookups.
Research & Resources takes you to the details in
Data & Trends
Airport Passenger Traffic
Estimated Tourism Tax
National Parks Visitation
State Park Visitation

Each one has well defined data driven and performance based reporting with details including national, county data and trends. The lastest Arizona Tourism Indicators.

Data & Trends City Government level

Some cities have their Tourism reports easily accessible while others are more difficult to find online.

The City of Scottsdale has excellent resources Tourism Reports here Tourism & Events underneath the Tourism Strategic Plan and Event Funding Programs.
Visitor and Lodging Reports
Lodging Statistics Report (PDF) – September 2022
Visitor Statistics Report (PDF) – September 2022
Longwoods Visitor Report (PDF) – July 2022
Longwoods Return to Sample Report (PDF) – July 2022 
Webb Report (Destination Event Feasibility Study) (PDF) – January 2016

The City of Scottsdale also includes:
Other Tourism Items
Scottsdale Hotel/Motel List (PDF)
Special Event Permit Online Submittal
Quick Statistics (PDF)
About Scottsdale
City of Scottsdale Monthly Financial Update

Experts in the particular field of data, stats our outsourced. So I took a look of what type of experts and how they helped the government’s with data driven stats metrics for their reports and created a Vendor list for Tourism Data in the form of the research tracker providing contact information along with hyperlinks to vendors website.

Donna Joy’s Research Trackers allow you to see critical details and connect directly to the source documents.

Check the Fact Checker
The hyperlinks are active in the PDF form.

Most cities subscribe to Smith Travel Research (STR)
STR’s competitive benchmarking where data driven reports on city lodging and competitive benchmarking are custom configured.

Donna Joy